Newsletter September 2013

Woodpecker Pool Newsletter September 2013

As I write this we are at the beginning of September and we hope everyone is enjoying the summer, the days are shortening and the weather has been very settled for some time now, the odd thunderstorm and a little rain but nothing too severe and average temperatures in the mid to high 20s with a few days in the 30s, wonderful. The fishing has been up and down this season with some really good weeks and the odd one or two that have been a bit tough at times but things appear to be settling down with the fish now(that's the kiss of death)and the catches have been a little more consistent so we will now move on to the latest catch reports.

The end of June and we welcomed back good friends Sue, Andy, Lisa and Gavin, they had a good week fishing days only, catching 27 fish including carp made up of 3 doubles, 10 x 20s, 1 x 30s and 3 x 40s. The best Mirror was 43lb 8oz and best Common 44lb, they also had 5 Grass Carp to 29lb 6oz, 3 Catfish of 62lb (this fish was re homed to a friends lake), 80lb and 88lb and the Diamond Back Sturgeon twice.

The total weight was 926lb 13oz for an average of 34lb 5oz. Thank you all for your company during the week and hope you keep well Andy and we look forward to seeing you all again next year.

Our next guests were Adam, Dave, James and Graham, good lads and I always enjoy their company and the banter along the way. They had a good week catching 26 fish including several PBs and a new (then) lake record. The catch was made up of 4 x doubles, 9 x 20s, 8 x 30s and 2 x 40s, included in this were 3 Grass Carp. They also had 2 Catfish of 84lb 4oz and a then New Lake Record to Adam of 106lb, well done. Adam had said when he arrived he would dearly love to catch a Common over 40lb and if he did he would run around the lake naked!!!Well I said that is fine provided it is in the dark so not to frighten the neighbours!! Anyway fortunately for him he managed to achieve his dream catching a Common of 40lb 3oz in the dark and true to his word he did what he said he was going to do, see below, apologies if this offends anyone but I had to put it in the newsletter didn't I Adam!!!

The best Mirror was 40lb, best Common 40lb 3oz, best Grass Carp 30lb 11oz and the best Catfish 106lb. The total weight was 832lb 14oz with an average of 32lb. Great to see you all once again and look forward to seeing you all in the future.

Our next guests on were Sarah and Nicky and their two lovely daughters Ruby and Maddie, Nicky has been before but it was the first time here for Sarah and the girls. Again fishing days only and spending some quality time as a family they had 19 fish made up of 2 singles, 2 doubles, 8 x 20s, 5 x 30s and 1 x 40.

The best Mirror was 42lb 1oz, best Common 36lb and best Grass Carp 34lb 1oz. The total weight was 471lb 11oz for an average of 24lb 13oz. Thank you for your company during the week and your two lovely girls are a credit to you, when you left it was very emotional for us all but we look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Next here were Mike and Phil from the valleys of Wales, Mike is our current record holder for the biggest carp caught from here so how would their time here pan out. They had an excellent week landing 35 fish in total and two new lake records to Mike. The catch was made up of 2 Catfish of 98lb 8oz and 106lb 8oz New Lake Record, 3 Grass Carp including a New Lake Record of 35lb 5oz, 2 singles, 6 doubles, 11 x 20s, 11x 30s and 3 x 40s of 48lb 13oz, 42lb 14oz and 42lb 8oz, the 3 Grass carp are included in the 20s and 30s.

The total weight for the week was 1104lb 15oz for an average of 31lb 9oz. Well what a week and congratulations to Mike for now holding three of our lake records. Thank you both for your company during the week and look forward to seeing you Mike again in September.

Finally for this newsletter following on from Mike and Phil we had the family over so we took advantage of their time here with us to do a few hours fishing a few times during their stay with us. Claire, Paul and myself managed to catch 13 fish in all in about 20 hours actual fishing. The catch included 1 Catfish to Claire of 91lb 8oz, her first ever, and 2 carp,a Mirror of 20lb 6oz and the small Ghost Common at 24lb 8oz. Paul had 6 fish in all including 4 Mirrors to 35lb, a small Common of 9lb and his first ever Grass Carp at 31lb 8oz. I had 4 fish, 2 Commons of 12lb 14oz and 38lb 10oz, a Mirror of 22lb 10oz and a Grass Carp of 29lb 10oz only my second ever and a first for me from our own lake. We are really proud to see our family enjoy catching some stunning fish, especially Claire for battling the big catfish on her own and beating it and not complaining too much over the bruises she sustained.

The total weight was 385lb 10oz for an average of 29lb 11oz. We look forward to seeing all the family again in October.

That is it for this time, some fantastic catches, new PBs, new lake records and stunning fish once again for this newsletter, thank you all once again for your company and custom. We look forward to the final few weeks of our season and to seeing those of you still to come. Until next time stay healthy and happy.

Sue and Doug

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